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Stefan -.- Sicher
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Stefan ʘ.ʘ Sicher

It's getting wintery here in Switzerland. And I hope by spring, life will be much nicer and more enjoyable.

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Stefan ʘ_ʘ Sicher

Can we just give Ukraine its territory back and kick the Russians out?

Can we just give Myanmar its democracy back and remove the military from power?

Can we just – solve whatever the issue with Israel and Gaza is – and stop the fighting?

We don't want war, war is for, and made by, idiots! We don't want that, we don't want them!

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Stefan ^_^ Sicher

Normalcy, I miss you.

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Stefan ô_Ô Sicher

Back in Switzerland after several months in Asia. I missed the good cheese and bread. And I love walking through nature and not-so-cramped cities with proper sidewalks.

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Stefan ಠ_ಠ Sicher

For a very long time I experienced and thought about the things that don't let me feel normal.

Conclusion: I only like to feel normal.

Thanks for reading!
A very serious project by sicher.com
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